Access was a 3rd-year design project based on a Design conference on how accessibility influences Design. 

Our brief was to create a fictional conference around an idea that has something to do with design. I went with one based on how accessibility can influence design, as accessibility (universal design) has been an interest since the start of my studies. 

Our brief was to make a poster (one or a series) and brochure/booklet. With that, we had to create a lineup of guest speakers. I selected; Sir Richard Taylor, Jim Rokos, Nicola Golfari, Ross Atkin and Terri Bogaards. They all either have a disability or have created something to help or bring awareness to them.

With the design of my posters, I wanted something simple that got to the point. I picked a wheelchair, walking cane and hearing aid as they're all very identifying images everyone can understand. I chose CMYK as the colour palette to bring in the design aspect without making it obvious.

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